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General cleaning of the swimming pool pueblo de soto,rincon de beniscomia,javali viejo,la ñora

It is important to clean all the organic and inorganic incrustations that have been deposited in the walls of the swimming pool.This cleaning will be done with a suitable  product used for the cleaning of walls and grounds in a dosage that can vary from 10 % of water product to the pure product,depending on the dirt.With this solution and with a brush of bristles,the walls and the bottom would be rubbed,carrying out later a rinsing with abundant pressure water.To do that we have a special high preassure water machine,which is also used for the cleaning of the edges of the swimming pool and showers when these have fungi and bacteria that give that yellowish and in occasions blackish color.
 There is not much that can be done to avoid leaves and dirt enter in an outdoors swimming pool.Great part of this contamination enters the swimming pool in form of very small particles that are retained by the filter when they go through it.In order to avoid the of the filter to get sticky and the formation of preferential channels by the same one,we take away the polluting agents of great size  before they can get to the filter.Here the skimmers play an important role since they constantly gather rests from the surface of the water.These are trapped in a portable basket,which is why we review them periodically so that they continue retaining the dirt.
After cleaning the swimming pool,we make a preventive tratment against seaweed; we applied a hand of an special product to eliminate the seaweed with roller or swab on all the surface of the swimming pool especially  in the junctures and edges 

Les recordamos algunos de nuestros servicios : 

Rehabilitación de piscinas 
Reforma vaso piscina
Reparación de todo tipo de piscinas
Reformas de piscinas
Construcción de piscinas
Reforma y construcción de escaleras piscinas 
Rejunte y lechada piscinas
Revestimiento de gresites y porcelánico piscina
Junta epoxi piscinas
Cambio piscinas cloro a sal 
Cloradores salinos piscinas 
Salinización piscinas 
Depuradoras salinas 
Bombas de calor piscina
Lonas y cobertores piscinas
Limpieza piscinas
Mantenimiento piscinas
Mantenimiento comunidades 
Mantenimiento piscinas salinas 
Tel 617673981

how we treat the water in your swimming pool sangonera seca,nonduermas,alcantarilla,rincon de seca

Before using your swimming pool you need to know something about the chemistry of the water and how do we keep it clean,clear and disinfected in order to insure a pleasant bath and without risks for your health.The water contains solids dissolved and in suspension.As long as these solids do not increase excessively,they would not affect the transparence or clarity of the water.This is obtained with a correct system of filtration and maintaining the equilibrium of the water with the suitable chemical treatment.

cómo cultivar lirio de misiones? beniel,casas nuevas,santomera,el siscar,san gines,aljucer

Características de la planta lirio de misiones

Planta rizomatosa erguida, de 20 a 50cm de altura, hojas en forma de espada de 20 a 40cm de largo, agudas, de color verde oscuro. Flores dispuestas en fascículos, con los tépalos exteriores planos y blancos, con centro veteado en marrón y los interiores azules unguiculados, con manchas marrones. Se multiplica por división de rizomas, división de matas o por medio de las pequeñas plantas que producen los tallos florales.

Cuidados y usos del lirio de misiones

Ideal para bordes de estanques y para cubrir superficies en lugares sombríos. A media sobra es donde mejor florece. Sus flores son muy llamativas y, si bien cada una dura unas pocas horas abiertas, aparecen durante un largo período.
Es una planta bastante rústica, aunque suele ser atacada por babosas y caracoles que desmerecen su aspecto.

Clima de la planta lirio de misiones

Templado a cálido, no soporta fríos intensos ni heladas. Crece mejor a media sombra o sombra.


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